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Tiaki - to care for people and place

Welcome to New Zealand

We love our country, and want to see it preserved for future generations.

So, as a symbol of this respect for our home, we developed Tiaki.

Tiaki outlines the responsibility of not only all New Zealanders, but also of all travellers, to respect and care for our wonderful country.

And you can help us.

Tiaki symbol

The Tiaki Promise

As a respected guest in New Zealand, we ask you to join us by:

  • Caring for land, sea and nature, treading lightly and leaving no trace.
  • Travelling safely, showing care and consideration for all.
  • Respecting our culture, and travelling with an open heart and mind.

So on your travels around our beautiful nation, please be mindful to:

  • Protect nature
  • Keep New Zealand clean
  • Drive carefully
  • Be prepared
  • Show respect

We hope you enjoy New Zealand as much as we do.

Tiaki Promise
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