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 10 Days in the South Island Day 10

Stunning views from the Skyline Gondola complex on Bob's PeakStunning views from the Skyline Gondola complex on Bob's Peak

10 Days in the South Island Day 10 - Queenstown to Home

As we wake on the final day of our 10 days in the South Island, it's hard to believe that it's coming to an end.

Our spacious apartment at Pepper's Beacon

I head down town for my morning walk, and once again, Queenstown has produced a clear, sunny day.

Lake Wakatipu glistens as the sun strikes the surface, and the snow capped peaks, which tower 7,000 feet around the lake, are a spectacular sight.

Our flight home today leaves early afternoon which is ideal as it gives us some time to sample a bit more of Queenstown's delights.

Today we plan to take the Skyline Gondola to Bob's Peak, for the best views in Queenstown.

The Skyline Gondola complex at Bob's Peak

After another hearty breakfast, we head out around 10 am and take the short two minute drive to the gondola car park, located downtown in Brecon Street.

Even at this time of day the car park is nearly full but luckily we find a spot for the car. We purchase our tickets and before long we start our ascent on the gondola. The views on the way up are amazing, but are nothing compared to what awaits us.

The ascent, in the fully enclosed cars, is very smooth, and takes around 5 minutes. On the way up we pass through the pine forest that lines the hills around Queenstown, and see a family of wild goats, which are a real pest in this area.

Just before the summit, we pass the AJ Hackett Ledge bungy site.

The main viewing deck at the Skyline Gondola complex Queenstown. Awesome views.

At the top we make our way into the Skyline complex, which these days includes:

  • a snack bar,
  • restaurant,
  • gift shop,
  • Maori cultural show,
  • thrilling luge rides,
  • mountain bike trails,
  • walking tracks,
  • night time stargazing,
  • the Ledge bungy and swing
  • extensive viewing decks and outdoor areas.

It's easy to spend a day up here, but today we've decided to just take in the views over a cup of coffee.

The selection of meals and snacks at the cafe is extensive, but we just have a coffee and sit back enjoying the views.

The Ledge Bungy and swing at Bob's Peak
The chairlift which takes you from the main Skyline complex to the top of the luge track

We watch as people catch the chairlift up to the top of the luge track (we highly recommended the luge rides), and I make my way to one of the viewing spots to watch some fortunate thrill seekers as they hurtle down the track, only to then hop onto the chairlift for another go. I'm speaking from personal experience when I say that the luge is "addictive".

We head out to the viewing deck for some photos and the weather conditions are perfect. A light mist is hovering around the mountain and the air is crisp and clear. Short of being in a plane or helicopter, it would be difficult to find a better place from which to take pictures of this beautiful region.

Jelly bean art showing Frodo from Lord of the Rings
American Gothic jelly bean art

Back inside, we wander through the gift shop and pick up a few bits and pieces. We stop in the lobby to admire the large jelly bean prints depicting some famous scenes, including one of Frodo from Lord of the Rings. The detail in them is superb.

All up we spend around one and a half hours at Bob's Peak before catching the gondola back down to Queenstown.

If you are visiting Queenstown, the Skyline Gondola is is an absolute "must do".

You can read more about the Skyline complex on our dedicated page by clicking here.

Before heading to the airport we decide to stop off at the Queenstown Golf Club for a quick lunch.

Even the views at the airport are stunning!

The soup of the day is creamy pumpkin with a piece of crusty bread. The food is delicious, as are the views!.

Our appetites satisfied, it's now the time we have been dreading.

Time to go home.

We make the short drive back to the Go Rentals depot and drop off our rental car. The friendly Go Rentals people take us around the corner to the airport, where we check in, and make our way through to the boarding area.

It's been a jam packed 10 days in New Zealand's amazing South Island. During this time we have traveled around 1700 kilometers, and have seen everything from pristine bays and beaches, to towering snow capped alps and glaciers. We've stayed in some beautiful locations and have sampled some wonderful local food, wine and beer.

If you have been wondering if New Zealand is as good as everyone says it is, come and experience it for yourself.

You will not be disappointed.

We hope you have enjoyed reading about our trip, and that you are inspired to visit.

If you would like to know more about New Zealand, or have any questions, we would love to hear from you.

Just fill out the form at the bottom of this page and we will be in contact.

Kind regards

The team at New Zealand Travel Showcase

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Map Google CCH Kaik Nels Pun FJ Wan QT

Map Courtesy Google

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HANDY TIP-If you need help to calculate your holiday costs click here to open our easy to use holiday cost calculator

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10 Days in the South Island - Go to Day 9

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